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BIN View

Nature of Payment (Form Type) :*
Accounts Office Identification Number (AIN): *
   Month          Year
Month of Form 24G filed:* From
Type the characters you see in the picture.
These characters are case sensitive.*
* Mandatory fields
  • To view BIN details provide TAN, AIN, Nature of Payment , Form 24G month/year range.
  • BIN is to be quoted in the Transfer voucher details while preparing the quarterly TDS/TCS statements.
  • Period selected should be within 15 months.
  • BIN view is available for Form 24G filed for F.Y. 2010-11 onwards.
  • If BIN details for mentioned AIN and period are not available then please contact your respective Pay and Accounts Office (PAO)/ District    Treasury Office (DTO) to whom the TDS/TCS is reported.
  • BIN consists of the following:
    • Receipt Number: Seven digit unique number generated for each Form 24G statement successfully accepted at the TIN central system.
    • DDO Serial Number: Five digit unique number generated for each DDO record with valid TAN present in the Form 24G statement successfully accepted at the TIN central system.
    • Date: The last date of the month and year for which TDS/TCS is reported in Form 24G.